Bridge the Gap Ethiopia Facilitates Vital Donation to Enhance Safety at Adama Hospital’s Oncology Unit

Adama, August 2, 2023* 
In a significant stride towards improving patient care and ensuring the safety of healthcare professionals, Bridge the Gap Ethiopia has orchestrated a pivotal contribution to the Oncology Unit at Adama Hospital Medical College.

The oncology unit, a cornerstone of Adama’s healthcare infrastructure, recently acquired a cutting-edge chemotherapy biosafety cabinet, thanks to the unwavering support of the DEAR Foundation Switzerland. Generously funded by the foundation, the initiative was realized through Bridge the Gap Ethiopia, serving as the conduit for this life-saving contribution.

Prior to this landmark donation, healthcare personnel at the oncology unit were delivering care without the essential safety measures required for handling chemotherapy treatments. This predicament posed substantial risks to both patients and the devoted medical staff. The arrival of the biosafety cabinet heralds a transformative juncture, ushering in a safer working environment for healthcare professionals and a heightened standard of care for patients.

Dr. Biniyam Tefera, Executive Director of Bridge the Gap Ethiopia and a distinguished oncologist at Adama Hospital Medical College’s oncology unit, emphasized the paramount importance of this equipment. “The safety of both our healthcare professionals and our patients takes precedence,” Dr. Biniyam stressed. “With the biosafety cabinet in place, we can now administer treatment with confidence, minimizing potential risks.”

In December 2022, the President of the DEAR Foundation, Sonja Dinner, along with her team, personally witnessed the unwavering commitment of the healthcare professionals. Recognizing the urgent necessity for enhanced safety measures, they made the decision to provide this vital equipment to the hospital, thereby contributing to the care of cancer patients in need.

The collaborative endeavor between Bridge the Gap Ethiopia and the DEAR Foundation stands as a remarkable testament to the tangible impact achieved through synergistic partnerships. The biosafety cabinet not only elevates the caliber of care within the oncology unit but also underscores the pivotal significance of prioritizing safety measures within healthcare settings.

As Adama Hospital’s oncology unit propels forward with this invaluable addition, the biosafety cabinet is poised to leave an indelible imprint, ensuring that the health and well-being of both medical professionals and patients continue to reign as the utmost priority.

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