Educating over 200 high school and College students

Yesterday was an absolutely incredible day spent with @BridgeTheGapEth at Lorcan Medical College! A meaningful journey with over 200 enthusiastic high school and college students, empowering them with vital knowledge about self-breast examination and introducing them to the most useful DearMamma App for Breast Cancer Awareness.

But it wasn’t just about presentations. We took a hands-on approach to educate these young minds. We provided them with the opportunity to palpate sample breasts with lumps, allowing them to feel firsthand what to look for during self-examination. Their reactions and insights were invaluable as they discovered the importance of early detection.

In addition to this engaging activity, we also had the privilege of networking with other NGOs participating in this event. Collaborative efforts like these are essential in our mission to reduce the disparity in breast health awareness and early detection. Together, we’re taking proactive steps towards a healthier, more informed community.

A heartfelt thank you goes out to the organizers of this fantastic event for providing us with the platform to make a real difference. Your dedication to this cause is commendable. Let’s continue spreading awareness, empowering our community, and ensuring that everyone has access to the knowledge and resources they need for better breast health.

Bridge the Gap Ethiopia believes that together, we can reduce disparity and make a meaningful impact.

#BreastHealth #DearMammaApp #BridgeTheGapEthiopia #BTGE #MeaningfulImpact #HealthEducation #CommunityEngagement

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