Together We Can Reduce Disparity!

At Bridge The Gap Ethiopia, we envision a future where women, children, and youths in Ethiopia have access to better opportunities and improved quality of life


At Bridge The Gap Ethiopia, we envision a future where women, children, and youths in Ethiopia have access to better opportunities and improved quality of life.


Our mission is to create lasting impact in communities through community-based interventions in health, education, women empowerment, and youth development.


Driven by compassion, empathy, and unwavering passion, we foster hope, integrity, innovation, respect, and inclusivity for positive community impact.

Ongoing Initiatives and Leadership

Discover the range of ongoing projects that define Bridge the Gap Ethiopia's commitment to positive change.

Dr. Biniyam Tefera Deressa — Founder & Executive Director.

Breast cancer remains a significant health concern for women in Ethiopia, with more than 65% of cancer patients being women, and many cases being detected at advanced stages. Lack of knowledge and resources contributes to the inadequate attention given to cancer care, leading to limited treatment options in hospitals.

At Bridge The Gap Ethiopia, we are actively working to change this situation through community-based breast cancer awareness programs. We also conduct capacity building training for local healthcare professionals to enhance their skills in cancer detection and treatment.

Recognizing the importance of mental health and social well being in cancer care, Bridge The Gap Ethiopia has established the first of-its-kind Breast Cancer Patient Psychosocial Support Group in Ethiopia.

The support group brings breast cancer patients together in a monthly gathering that follows the traditional coffee ceremony format – a cherished cultural practice. Through these sessions, participants discuss the challenges associated with their cancer journey and share coping strategies. The support group aims to empower patients, instill hope, build a sense of community, and encourage increased engagement in social activities.

Cancer registries, are essential tools offering insights into cancer trends, prevalence, and impact within specific populations. By analyzing this information, healthcare professionals, researchers, and policymakers can detect patterns, identify risk factors, and tailor interventions for maximum effectiveness. In Ethiopia, most of the information about cancer comes from the Addis Ababa City cancer registry. But this might not show the full picture of cancer across the whole country because Ethiopia is so diverse. To address this gap, Bridge the Gap Ethiopia supports a facility-based registry at Adama Hospital Medical College, serving over 10 million people. This initiative generates valuable information for policy-making, resource allocation, and real-time patient care enhancements. Ongoing research projects using the registry’s data promise to refine cancer prevention strategies, patient care protocols, and resource optimization, thus elevating cancer care in the region. Even though the registry at Adama Hospital Medical College is a big step forward, the ultimate goal is to establish a population based cancer registry.

Our Partners

Meet Our Partners: Collaborating with Us for a lasting Impact

At Bridge The Gap Ethiopia, we believe that positive change begins with collective efforts. Together, we can bridge the gap and create a brighter, healthier future for the people of Ethiopia. Join us on this journey towards progress and empowerment.

For more information about our programs and how you can support our initiatives, please contact us


Here's an insight into our achievements over the past 2 years

Breast Cancer Awareness
Volunteer Pool
Trained Community & Health Professionals
Screened Women for Breast Cancer
Ongoing Researches
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